Monday, 24 December 2012

Sneak Peek: Vanity Trove

Hello ladies!!

I got one new thing to share with you girls!!

Well, people says once you are addicted to beauty stuffs, you gonna stuck with it like forever. Yes, I mean, you will feel "empty" if you didn't buy any beauty cosmestic stuffs in a month. Thus, I found out this new "product services" in Malaysia.
This kind of product services has been popular and high demand in certain places in United States but not in Malaysia yet.

Let me tell you the background of it. VanityTrove was inspired by the concept of fukuburuko, the mystery grab bag style of presenting products from the fashion hub of Japan, VanityTrove presents a unique service right here in Malaysia! This new trend is set to grab the hearts of ladies who deserve pampering.

From their Press release article :

"Try to Imagine this; You wake up in the early hours to head out every day, endure stressful situations trying to complete tasks and meet deadlines at your workplace or study place. Finally, you head home after a trying day in the rush hour crowd. At this moment, your doorbell rings and you are greeted with a beautifully wrapped box with accented classy pink notes. Within it, a specially curated range of beauty products and other surprises just for you. What better way to put a smile on your face?"

Yes, I believe every girls wants to get present/ items arrived safely infront of their door. Why not? So, for the guys, boyfriends and husband, do consider to subscribe this "Vanity Trove" for your special one. Why not sometimes we give them a special surprise ? Must be fun!
p/s: to guys outside there, if you want to tackle me, you may use this technique :) haha! So sweet kan? kan? kan?

Here’s how it works:
11)    Sign up for an account and subscribe to the service on for the monthly subscription fee of RM60/- (inclusive of packing, shipping & handling fees) or choose the 3, 6, 12 months subscription options to get credits that goes towards redeeming a complimentary trove!

2)    Receive each month’s edition before the month starts. (You’ll get March’s themed trove by end of February!)

3)     Receive the troves hand-delivered to you and enjoy the beautiful surprises within it! Try and share it with your beauty buddies. 

**Basically, all items in the box are in random, followed by months. Depends on the month. It's like... items of the month- every month you will receive variety and different kind of products. Wah! full of surprise and we can try everything!

Personally, I really like this kind of method because sometimes "I feel like want to try and buy something, but I have no idea what to buy and sometimes I don't dare to try any brand especially any brand that I am not familiar with. -even though it's high end product. If I never hear about the brand/ any reviews on it, I won't spend money on it, Never/ Ever! and don't dare. How about you? Would you try? 
If not, why not you subscribe Vanity Trove and just try whatever they give us. Absolutely a good chance to try on all the products given. 

Want to know further?

The timeline/monthly schedule in order to make sure everything deliver on time. 

Try one! for sure you gonna love it. Anyway, if you have subscribe it, do tag me in twitter or leave a comment down below. -Thank you!
Will visit your blog back. ^_^
 Share your opinions as I will share mine too! Take care and have a nice Holiday~ :)


Mwah, mwah!!!

Wiida Ribbon. 


Fired it away!! but mind your words! <3 Please be gentle to each other, girls.

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