This is a sponsored post, a million thank you to Nuffnang for the invitation and now time to share my experience and joyness with you guys!
Malaysia independence day is just around the corner, time flies so fast until we did not realised that now we are near to end of August and September is coming up very very very soon. I feel like just yesterday I celebrated the New Year at home and cheer up for the year of 2013. Tup Tap Tup tap, 2014 is coming up in few months time.
My rezeki this year is quite impressive. Thankful to God, Alhamdullilah for the huge rezeki you gave me. Really thankful for it and thank you to all of my friends and readers for keep supporting me since the day I started my blog until today including thank you to my bff, Rifga (the one forced me to create a blog). And NOT -To Forget Thank you to my stalker too... (big smile hint to my brother) ..
This is my first time participating the biggest bloggers game event from Astro invited by Nuffnang.
What is the event all about?
Astro celebrates the best of Malaysia through
a variety of activities on air, online and on ground to spread positivity and
happiness. Since current generation or people love to spread the words and activitly socialize through media networks ;twitter , instagram and facebook, hence, Astro threw out an activity for us to spread the words and "Merdeka Spirit" in healthy way by tagging #GoBeyond and #UrMalaysianisShowing.
They are the #gobeyond and
#UrMalaysianIsShowing campaigns, as
well as the launch of a new music video, entitled “Excuse me Sir, your Malaysian is showing”.
Astro's Merdeka Campaign revolves around
celebrating our uniqueness as Malaysians and encouraging everyone to do
something positive to put a smile on the faces of others.They invited everyone to
participate in #gobeyond campaign and shout about it on social media with
the #gobeyond hashtag.
Well, what made this campaign special is, Astro celebrates
the best of 1Malaysia and our Malaysianess uniqueness by recognising our unique lingo such
as Syok!, Gostan, Brudder, Fuyoh, Macha,
understood only by fellow Malaysians. More example such as, Ane, Kau-tim, Yum Cha, Leng Lui, Leng Zhai,Tapau, Gostan, Bro and many more. Only us, Malaysians know it.
Everyone can be a part of this and own
their favourite lingo on a T-shirt via the #UrMalaysianIsShowing Facebook app.
Proceeds from the sale will contribute towards a charitable cause.
You can design your own TShirt design by visiting this link
This is a sample of t-shirt that I've designed.
Cun tak?
You can design your own TShirt design by visiting this link
This is a sample of t-shirt that I've designed.
Cun tak?
A music video aptly
titled “Excuse me Sir, your Malaysian is showing” is also created. I have watched it for few times on TV, Astro, but forgotten the exact channel. But let me put the video here to make it accessible to those who haven't watch it..
In a way to spread the positiveness, Astro invites you all to share your positive goals or positive acts at their facebook application..
Want to see mine? Alamak! Malu la. but ya, I tak tau malu nak share with you guys jugak!
Hehehe. It's time for you to share yours!
Ehem ehem. My team and I won the first place! ^_^
If you're following my twitter and instagram you will noticed that there are bunch of instavideos and pictures that I tweeted on twitter. haha. All these pictures have been posted because of the game and luckily we won the first place. After a while, we watched back all the pictures and videos we'd posted, we laughed so badly because it's just funny, the game was full of fun ,entertained and memorable. :) Thank you Astro for the game! I know more bloggers and they all are so nice and friendly.
I met quite a number of popular and familiar bloggers at the event including one of my favourite celebrities, Lisa Surihani! Yu Huu! Yesszzzaa!
The familiar face, Sabby Prue.
I am also want to thank Sabby Prue for being my friend and always there for me eventhough I always perasan and gedik. Thank you :)
New friend, kak Sizzling Suzai. hehehe. ok ok, we just met and know each other on that day but everyone thought that we know for the very long time. hehehe. She's very friendly, warm. talkacive and sporting. Love to interact and talk with her! Very comfortable and warm. Ni sayang kak Suzai ni.
With Haniss Nasuha and MiraCikCit.
With blogger, MiraCikCit
One of the tasks: Hug one random people from public. Err, ya, I hug her! ^_^
Task requirement: Snap a picture of your creative Tugu Negara.
Yes, We are Tugu Negara
I took a picture with stranger, and forced her to praise me. hahaha. and I did tag her on my twitter. Sorry girl for forcing you to do so. haha. what to do? Game sometimes break the awkwardness.
I also did sang a song
(all of my bffs know that I never memorized any lyrics) so, it's kind of mess up song...
Click here to watch my humble instavideo
Ehem Ehem... Guess who?
This is Haniff from Era Fm.. One of the Era morning DJs (JoHaRa group).
He's quite cute and handsome right? especially in person. :P
So, hows my story?
Hope you enjoyed reading it since I put all of my emotions, love and excitement into this post. :)
Lets spread the positiveness, love and happiness celebrating Malaysia Merdeka day by tagging #UrMalaysianIsShwoing and #GoBeyond
All of your pictures and tags will be displayed and featured on GoBeyond.com.my
· For more information on Astro’s Negaraku campaign including
“Excuse me Sir, your Malaysian is showing”,
please log on to www.astro.com.my/negaraku.
“Excuse me Sir, your Malaysian is showing”,
please log on to www.astro.com.my/negaraku.
· Set your own Go Beyond positive acts with the Go Beyond Facebook app here: https://www.facebook.com/AstroGoBeyond/app_179047725597311
Thank you for reading!
See you in my coming post!
Mwah Mwah;