Guardian Award. If you have following my blog, you would know that I have mentioned on Guardian Award events and so on. Every year, Guardian is doing this special award event to give special token appreciation to them by winning the award chosen by the public.
Previously, they were only had the customer's choice award but in this year they include one special awar which is TEENS CHOICE AWARDS to define teenagers' choice in shopping power in Guardian.
How does this work?
Customers need to buy at least RM 20 to entitle entering this contest. A form with all the nominees was given out to them and all they need is to fill up the form, guess the answer and submit the form together with receipt. There is also an online submission for wider accessibility.
Grand prize is RM 10,000 Guardian voucher.
Meanwhile, for the Teens Choice Award, they have special requirement, wheres they can enter the contest without buying anything and no receipt required to participate the contest. All they need is filling up the form and vote for their choices. Prizes for the Teens choice award are mainly video games and all the hi-tech gadgets up to their current interest standard.
Supplement (12 categories)
Healthcare (9 categories)
Mother & Child (6 categories)
Confectionery & Home (6 categories)
Hair (6 categories)
Body and Bath (7 categories)
Oral care & Hygiene (9 categories)
Hand and Body (6 categories)
Face Care (17 categories)
Cosmetic (11 categories)
Some of the winning brands
Some of the winning brands
Lucky customers , winners for the contest. The got voucher prizes depending on the value won.
Bloggers contest award. ehem ehem. If you notice me in this photo. *vomit. hehe. I won the contest. YEAYY! Thank you Guardian for the lovely gifts and for having me in the event. *terharu.

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Fired it away!! but mind your words! <3 Please be gentle to each other, girls.