Hello Readers!!!
Are you a fan of La Senza lingeries?
IF YES, I have a great news to share you girls. ^_^ but you need to read it at the end of this post. heheh. The best always save at the end.
Well, I was attended La Senza Body Kiss launching event on last Tuesday at Suria KLCC and what I can say is
Honestly, I never wear or buy any items from La Senza before and this event gives me an opportunity to try out and know more about their products. Well,hmmmm what else can I say? before this I thought all bras are the same, but my assumptions were wrong. Different bras have their own technology designs, materials, shapes, quality and many more!!! Seriously, I never know this before and at La Senza, their bras have different level of push up.
What makes this BODY KISS line is so special?
It is designs to give invisibly sexy smooth bra
Not only that, the bra has a cushioned underwire for an invisbly sexy fit :) - I tell you, very comfort babes.
Furthermore, it comes with 7 new fashion designs and vibrant colours that splash with the season of summer. - I love the white, blue turquoise and vibrant pink, actually I like all of them, rambang mata la.
The bra also comes with matches panties with smooth and lace options. Just pick whatever you're comfort with. -
The level of push up is level 2 which is not too over and at the same time gives you firm shape.- I love this and for sure I need this too. haha
What I've noticed, the bra is very light and feel like wearing nothing. Ops!
The bright vibrant neon colours could be wear under the knitted tops or white lace tops that would makes you look sexy and stunning at the same time. But if you're muslim, err, you just can showing off to your husband and for your own satisfaction , comfort and for your own happiness la + your husband happiness too.. hahahaha. You know underwear could influenced your mood and the day. Plus, the smooth texture of the bra doesn't shows any visible lines that probably would appear on your t-shirt or tops. Some bras give wrinkle textures/ lace patterns/ lines on your shirts and it's not nice to see, ok? Not cool at all, people would focus on that part(our precious part) and wondering what's that.
Pretty blue turquoise colour which is their best colour of this line.
In conjunction of the Body Kiss launch line, La Senza is going to do a great marvelous fabulous offer to be share with you girls!!
In order to spice up the summer feeling, La Senza will do a ONE DAY Shopping spree at all of La Senza boutiques, and there's a great discount up to 40% off and on top of that, the Prestige VIP could get additional of 10% discount!
Let me spell this for you, W.O.W... WOW! Fulamak syok habis!
Oh ya! Oh ya! ONE MORE THING!
Get A FREE panty with any BODY KISS bra purchased.
Sound interesting right?
Discount and get a free panty. Well, if you want to more about the discount, please refer to this poster;
Besides that, there's a lot of interesting prizes, goodies that would be giving out at the selected stores.

Be the first customer buy a Body Kiss bra and get a RM 300 La Senza Gift Card *

Be the next 30 first customers buy the Body Kiss bra line and get a "goodie bag" worth up to RM 150*

Be the next 100 customers buy the Body Kiss bra line and get a "goodie bag" worth up to RM 50*
The *selected stores are at;
Price Range: RM 149 onwards
DATE: 25th MAY 2013
My picture during dinner organised by La Senza team.
BIG SMILE! I got my own bra too! p/s: I chose the leopard pattern. SO PRETTY ansd sedap to wear, becomes one of my favourites!
The staff taught us how to bra fitting ourselves and just refer to the card that they have in store.
We did play an interesting game and Newrulefarah, youtuber won the -game. She brought home 7 bras and 6 panties. (Feel so jealous with her)
Of course I need to take picture with the lucky lady. :)
picture taken from
Reiko :)
Thank you to all bloggers for making me happy on that day. Seriously, it was a fantastic event that made me still feel happy and keep smiling til today. :)