Saturday, 23 November 2013

Sector Focused Career Fair UiTM (SFCF)

Salam and Hello,

Maybe some of you would find this post isn't interesting as you wish but for me, it is personal.. This time I would like to share some of my personal story, my life story and it is about present and future, graduation and job. 

Where to find job? That is what in my mind right now. I keep thinking, where should I go for work?  I just finished my final internship and now time to find job! My graduation day will be held next year in May, but what's the exact date? I will inform you the date. It's secret! ehehe. Actually I also don't know the exact date yet. . Please prepare a gift for me ok? just telling you (clue clue!)

Please don't slap my face, I know I look annoying with that face expression. LOL

Well, SFCF just comes in time! Wait a minute, what's exactly is SFCF?
SFCF is a short name for Sector Focused Career Fair. Based from its name, you should have a rough idea what it is all about. 

The SFCF provides an opportunity for graduates to get jobs and socialize by getting mingle with CEOs and senior HR representatives of participating companies; more than 30 companies such as AIG, DHL, Electrolux, Frost & Sullivan,GlaxoSmithKline, HP, IBM, LaFarge, Sime Darby and PwC whilst providing a platform for companies to scout for potential talent from universities in Malaysia. 

SFCF UiTM was a joint effort between TalentCorp, Graduan, MDeC and UiTM. 
TalentCorp and UiTM are hosting SFCF to provide exposure  and  attract  young  Malaysian  graduates  to  pursue  an  exciting  career  with  the fast growing shared services sector. The focus areas for the fair were Shared Services and Outsourcing (SSO).It is a part of strategic thrust to optimize Malaysian talent, as well as facilitating awareness among the public of the career opportunities available in  priority  sectors under  the  11  National  Key  Economic  Areas  (NKEAs).

The  two days  event  have two parts; Career Talks  and  Couch  Corner  Slot. 

Career Talks 

 is  a  platform developed  for  the  young  generation  to  engage  with  prominent  industry  leaders .

Couch Corner  Slot 

was  designed for  the  visitors,  especially students,  to  interact  with the  companies  in  a relaxed atmosphere.

This is how all the booths structured in the hall. 

The crowd in the event. 

So, after looking all this aspects and contains, my worries slowly fading off. I started to think rationally. Yes,  if there's rezeki for me,InsyaAllah I will get it. There's always opportunity for us (graduates) outside there, we just need to find it, search for it and grab it! Don't think twice when you see the opportunity, just go for it, try your luck boost your self-level confident up..We never know tomorrow might be our day and everything change unexpectedly. 

For  further  information  on  TalentCorp  and  SFCF,  
please  visit  

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. Credit to the photographer for some of the photos above. 

1 comment :

Fired it away!! but mind your words! <3 Please be gentle to each other, girls.

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