Thursday 28 March 2013

Lets Keek-ing with me!

Hi readers!

Recently I found "keek", an interesting apps which is a short video social network. So, you guys could post 30 seconds video anytime and everywhere you are! Even if you're eating or sleeping! ONLY If you have talent in talking while sleeping . Hahah.

Oh ya, if you'd one, drop your ID name in comment space below. Thank you. :) I'm so excited with this apps cause its like my very first time doing vlog. Haha. Ok thats all. If you've smart phones, do download this app, really worth it. happy keek-ing peeps!

1 comment :

  1. I pun baru je sign up with keek, nothing posted yet haha!

    Btw, i followed ur blog already tau! ;)


Fired it away!! but mind your words! <3 Please be gentle to each other, girls.

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